• Week of Respect: October 2nd - 6th, 2023
    The Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act (P.K.2010, c.122) requires that the week beginning with the first Monday in October of each year be designated as the Week of Respect in New Jersey. School districts observe this week by providing age-appropriate instruction focusing on preventing/remediating harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying.

    Please refer to the calendar below to make sure your child participates in the spirit days during the
    2023-2024 Cliffwood Elementary Week Of Respect!!


    • Monday, October 2nd: Students and staff should wear their favorite pajamas to school
      • Students will recite and sign the No Plate for Hate Pledge!
    • Tuesday, October 3rd: Students and staff should wear sweatshirts and sweatpants to school
    • Wednesday, October 4th: Students and staff should wear their favorite sports team jersey to school
    • Thursday, October 5th: Students and staff should wear tie dye clothing to school
    • Friday, October 6th: Students and staff should wear school colors or school spirit wear to school
