• School Violence Awareness Week: October 16th - 20th , 2023
    In Accordance with the New Jersey School Association (18A:36-5.1) all public school districts, charter schools, Renasissance school projects and approved private school for students with disabilities are required to annually designate the third week in October as School Violence Awareness Week. School districts observe this week by providing age-appropriate instruction to discuss methods for keeping schools safe from violence, to consider school safety and security plans, and to learn how to recognize students in need of help.

     Monday, Oct 16: Students and staff should wear tie dye or peace inspired clothing to school
    Tuesday, Oct 17: Students and staff should wear their favorite hat or head covering to school
    *Students and staff will attend a respect themed laser light show!

    Wednesday, Oct 18: Students and staff should wear comfortable shoes and clothing to school
    Thursday, Oct 19: Students and staff should wear flannel patterned clothing to school
    Friday, Oct 20: Students and staff should wear Cliffwood colors or school spirit wear to school


    Please utilize these useful resources from the State of NJ Department of Education to help recognize warning signs for youth violence, school violence, and on polices, procedures, and recommended conduct during an incident of school violence:

    Safe, Supportive and Successful Schools Step by Step

    American Psychological Association Warning Signs of Youth Violence

    National School Safety and Security Services Warning Signs of Youth Violence

    Keys to Safer Schools

    Media Violence and Youth

    National Crime Prevention Council

    Helping Children Handle Scary News


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