• Class Expectations:
      1. Be respectful to all teachers, administrators, staff, peers and school property.
      2. Obey all school rules. (examples: no cell phones, use appropriate language, etc.)
      3. Be on time for school and all classes.
      4. Be prepared for class (textbooks, notebooks & pencils/pens).
      5. Participate in class discussions.
      Make-up Policy:
      It is the students’ responsibility to make up any missed assignments, tests or quizzes because of an absence. If a student is absent the day a test or quiz is given, he/she will be responsible for taking it when he/she returns to school.  Students missing more than one day of school will be given the number of days they were absent to make up any missed assignments, tests or quizzes.
      Late work Policy:
      A student who is present the day something is due, but does not have it will have an opportunity to turn it in late.  Projects, essays, or any other assignments (not including tests, quizzes, or homework) turned in after the due date will lose points as follows:
         * 1 Day late = 20 points off
         * 2 Days late = 40 points off
         * 3 Days late = 60 points off
         * 4 or more days late = a zero (0)
      Homework assignments are worth 3 points. Homework will be reviewed on a daily basis by going over problems the students inquire about. A similar late policy, shown below, will apply for homework to allow students to earn credit for late work:
         * 1 Day late = 1 point off
         * 2 or more days late = 2 points off
      If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me. My e-mail address is kkinneman@marsd.org