Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District
Special Education Parent Advisory Group
Bylaws (Adopted 6/21/23)
Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District Special
Education Parent Advisory Group, known as the MARSD SEPAG.
Article II: Authorization
The MARSD SEPAG is established to fulfill New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14-1.2(h):
“Each district board of education shall ensure that a special education parent advisory group is in
place in the district to provide input to the district on issues concerning students with
Article III: Purpose
The purpose of the MARSD SEPAG is to:
- Provide direct input on the policies, programs and practices that impact services and supports for children with disabilities and their families.
- Increase the involvement of families of children with special needs in making recommendations specific to special education policy.
- Advise on matters that pertain to the education, health and safety of children with special needs.
- Advise on any unmet needs of children with disabilities.
- Inform families about MARSD special education programs and policies.
Article IV: Mission Statement
The MARSD SEPAG’s mission is to empower parents of students with special needs to
communicate effectively with the MARSD Director of Special Services and Programs for the
purpose of supporting and improving district-wide special education policies, programs, and
practices. The MARSD SEPAG endeavors to provide a supportive, informative, and
encouraging forum in which parents can raise questions, voice concerns, and provide
constructive input in a spirit of mutual respect for one another, students, and educators. The
MARSD SEPAG also provides families opportunities to learn about district programs, services
and resources.
Article V: Membership
Any parent or guardian of a child (age 3 to 22) in MARSD with a special education classification
or 504 accommodation, including children placed out-of-district, is eligible for SEPAG
membership and may vote in meetings.
Article VI: Officers and Parent Liaisons
1. General Provisions
A. The SEPAG shall provide reasonable public notice of upcoming elections.
Individuals interested in standing for office must announce their intention at the
election meeting.
B. Elections shall take place at the final meeting of the school year, and new officers
and liaisons shall take office as of July 1.
C. Anyone eligible for general membership may serve as an officer or liaison.
However, after the inaugural election, any officer candidate must have attended at
least three SEPAG meetings during the preceding year, unless no such candidate
can be found.
D. Voting for uncontested positions may be by voice vote. Voting for contested
positions shall be by secret ballot decided by simple majority.
E. A special election may be held to fill a vacancy if an officer or liaison resigns or is
otherwise unable to serve during the year. The new officer or liaison will
complete the remainder of the term. All resignations must be done in writing.
2. Parent Liaisons
MARSD SEPAG shall endeavor to have at least one Parent Liaison representing each of the following:
a. Cambridge Park Elementary School
b. Cliffwood Elementary School
c. Ravine Drive Elementary School
d. Strathmore Elementary School
e. Lloyd Road Elementary School
f. Matawan-Aberdeen Middle School
g. Matawan Regional High School
h. Out-of-District Placement
i. Parents of Special People
B. Parent Liaisons shall serve a term of one year.
C. Parent Liaisons shall:
a. Keep informed of SEPAG activities, including by regular meeting attendance.
b. Participate in outreach efforts to parents in their school or category.
c. Serve as resources for parents in their school or category.
d. Bring forward any questions, concerns, needs or issues specific to the school or category they represent to the SEPAG.
e. Communicate information and materials from the SEPAG to parents and educators at the school or group they represent.
3. Officers
A. MARSD SEPAG shall have the following officers, who shall together constitute an Executive Board:
a. President
b. Vice President
c. Secretary
d. Two Communications Co-Officers
B. Officers shall serve for a term of two years and may run for reelection.
4. Duties of Officers
A. The SEPAG President shall:
a. Set the agenda for and preside at all SEPAG meetings.
b. Act as spokesperson for the organization, including serving as liaison to the Director of Special Services and Board of Education.
c. Ensure that meeting minutes are prepared and posted.
d. Oversee the creation, approval, and distribution of informational materials.
e. Organize and facilitate all other SEPAG activities, except as otherwise delegated.
B. The SEPAG Vice President shall:
a. Assume the duties of the President if she/he should for any reason vacate the chair during a meeting or be absent from the meeting.
b. Keep abreast of all issues before the SEPAG.
c. Cooperate with the President in carrying out other responsibilities as needed.
C. The SEPAG Secretary shall:
a. Maintain meeting attendance logs.
b. Build and maintain contact lists.
c. Count and record all vote results.
d. Reserve meeting spaces.
D. The Communications Co-Officers shall:
a. Maintain the SEPAG Facebook page.
b. Maintain other social media accounts the SEPAG may establish.
c. Perform such other duties as may be assigned.
Article VII: Subcommittees
MARSD SEPAG shall establish such subcommittees or working groups as it may require
through a majority vote of members present.
Article VIII: Communication with School District
The Executive Board shall meet with the Director of Special Services and Programs at least three
times annually to discuss district policies, programs, and services. In conjunction with these
meetings, the President shall provide the Director of Special Services and Programs at least three
annual reports from the MARSD SEPAG. The President shall also ensure that SEPAG meeting
minutes are forwarded to the Director.
Article IX: Communication with Board of Education
The President, or such designee as the SEPAG determines, shall attend at least one school board
meeting annually to update the school board on SEPAG activities. The SEPAG shall also
provide regular written reports to the school board.
Article X: Meetings
- MARSD SEPAG shall hold at least 6 general membership meetings annually, and such other meetings as may be determined.
- General membership meetings shall include time for parents to discuss questions, concerns, and suggestions about MARSD programs or policies affecting special education. Meetings may include informational or training sessions for parents.
- MARSD SEPAG shall ensure reasonable advance public notice of all meetings and elections.
- When formal procedures are needed, MARSD SEPAG will adhere to Robert’s Rules of Order.
- Minutes of all meetings shall be posted on such online venues as the SEPAG may establish.
- Meeting minutes shall be presented in a confidential manner that protects the privacy of parents, students and educators.
Article XI: Quorum
A quorum of no fewer than 5 members must be present at the time of voting for any motion or
election. Both motions and elections shall be decided by a simple majority vote of the voting
membership subject to the presence of a quorum.
Article XII: Amendments to Bylaws
These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of members present at a general membership
meeting, subject to the presence of a quorum. An amendment may not be voted on in the same
meeting in which it is proposed, and the SEPAG shall make reasonable efforts to inform
members of the proposed change before the meeting at which a vote is scheduled.