• Hello Parents and Students! Welcome to Rachel Alvarez's Web Page!

    Name: Rachel Alvarez
    Email Address: ralvarez@marsd.org
    Phone number:732-705-4000 ext. 4070

     I am very excited to be at Cambridge Park Elementary School as the Preschool Intervention and Referral Specialist and the Community Parent Involvement Specialist this year.  I  look forward to working with the students, parents, staff and community to help make this a great year.  

    Throughout the day, I work with teachers to help build relationships with students; create caring environments; teach friendship skills, problem solving skils, social and emotional competencies; and to teach self regulation on a classwide basis. To achieve this,we utilize our curriculum, Tools of the Mind; our assessment tool, Teaching Strategies Gold; Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale and the Teaching Pyramid. 

    I also work with teachers and parents to support our students who benefit from additional interventions with a variety of developmentally appropriate strategies and resources. 

    In addition, as the Community Parent Involvement Specialist, I work to create meaningful parent and community events, help support transitions and Chair our Early Childhood Advisory Council.