• Welcome!

    Ms. Justine LoStocco, MA
    6th Grade School Counselor                                           
    Email Address: jlostocco@marsd.org
    Phone Number: 732-705-5519
    Fax Number: 732-705-5550  
    Office Location: Room 216

    My name is Justine LoStocco and I am excited to be the 6th Grade Counselor at MAMS!  I began my career in the Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District in January 2018 at MRHS and came to MAMS in 2019 to be the 6th Grade Counselor.  In my free time I enjoy watching shows on Netflix, cooking, and hanging out with my big puppy, Thor.
    Please feel free to explore the resources on my page to learn more about my role and contact me if I can be of any assistance to you.  Looking forward to working with you all during the 23-24 school year!