Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District


    Joseph G. Majka, J. D.
    One Crest Way, Aberdeen, New Jersey 07747
    (732) 732-705-4003 ~ FAX: (732) 702-4092


    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 22, 2018

    Press Release District Contact: Joseph G. Majka, Superintendent of Schools
    School/Department: Office of the Superintendent
    Phone Number: 732-705-4050
    Email: jmajka@marsd.org

    Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District seeks voter approval for additional security personnel

    As part of the school district’s 2018/19 NJDOE school budget submission, the district is seeking voter approval for additional funds for the purposes of providing police officers in the district’s schools.  The voter proposal on the November 6th ballot, if approved, would provide $400,000 of additional tax revenue to support the hiring of up to six Class III Police Officers and one School Resource Officer.

    The district initiative mirrors similar initiatives in other districts throughout the state seeking additional personnel for security purposes now that the State of New Jersey approved the use of a new Class III armed officer for the purposes of educational settings.  The school district continues to implement various security measures, including visitor management system, security vestibules, and other physical and systematic improvements.  Following various high profile school security events throughout the country and the district’s community security symposium on March 5, 2018, the Board of Education sought input from the school community and local law enforcement to address the community’s concerns.  The outcome was the approval of the 2018/19 budget with a voter proposal question for an additional $400,000.  Should the question be approved by the voters on November 6th, the school district would communicate the need for the additional personnel and the local police departments would post for the new positions.  Subject to the hiring process, the district and police departments would identify an implementation timeline for the onboarding of the new police officers.  The $400,000 would be certified as additional tax revenue to be raised by households in the Township of Aberdeen and the Borough of Matawan.  Additional information on the budget and the voter proposal question may be found on the district’s website by visiting www.marsd.org.

    The Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District is a public school district serving grades Pre-K to 12 in the municipalities of the Township of Aberdeen and the Borough of Matawan.  The district serves 3,700 students, employs 540 professionals and operates seven school buildings.