• Hello ! Welcome to Deegan, D!

    Name: Mr. Deegan
    Email Address: ddeegan@marsd.org  

    Welcome to Computers. Computers is a marking period class. We will cover coding with Code.org.
    Grade 6: Unit 2: Using HTML & CSS to code & create their own web sites.
    Grade 7: Unit 3: Coding Animations & Games. We make interactice video cards & video games.
    Grade 8: Unit 4: Coding Phone Apps. We design & create interactive phone apps.
    Resources. The students do not need to bring anything extra to class. All we need is a positive attitude, a strong work ethic, and their passwords for the computers & code.org. It is very important all students remember or write down all their necessary passwords. Click HERE for the syllabus.
    Classroom Procedures. Upon arrival, the students need to turn their computer on & log in. They then should launch the internet & log into code.org & consult the board for the day's goals & procedures.
    Schedule.     Period 3-4: Grade 6
                         Period 7-8: Grade 7
                         Period 9-10: Grade 8 

    Please join my Google classroom: hzujupg

    Under the classwork tab, there are Grade 6, Grade 7, & Grade 8 videos detailing the assignments. 
    All work will be done in code.org (videos 1 & 2 detail joining & using code.org).
    Most of the time, we will do 1 Lesson every class. So, Class 1 is Lesson 1. Class 2 is Lesson 2, and so on. But watch the video because sometimes we will skip an entire Lesson or take 2 classes to complete 1 Lesson.
    Quick Links


Last Modified on September 11, 2023