• Dear Cliffwood Family,

       Welcome back for the 2024-2025 school year! 

       Our PTO Board is looking forward to a year filled with enriching, educational, and fun activities for the students and our families! Through the support of you, the school staff, and administration, we plan to continue creating an atmosphere that fosters a lifelong love of learning.

     How can you help your student, school, and community?

       By joining the PTO! All of us lead busy lives- but maybe you could volunteer for an activity like a dance or the book fair? You can also help us through participating in our fundraisers. Even by just joining the PTO your $10.00 per household donation helps us bring in programs and pay for field trips that school budgets are unable to fund. No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.

     Who can join the PTO?

       Anyone associated with Cliffwood School can join.  Parents, grandparents, teachers, support staff, administrators.  Not only does your $10.00 per household donation benefit the students, it entitles you to the ability to introduce motions, vote in annual PTO Board elections, and hold office.

     What is the PTO doing for Cliffwood students?

       Through various fundraisers, the PTO raises money that is invested in student education. We work to bring in curriculum-based assemblies and programs, author visits, class trips at no additional cost to the parents, Fun Day activities and T-shirts, and help purchase items the school will use to provide the best education possible. Some of the fundraisers we offer are:

    Fundraising Catalogs

    World's Finest Chocolate


    Holiday Gift Shoppe

    Scholastic Bookfairs

    Box Tops for Education

    Spirit Wear

    Family Fundraiser Nights at local restaurants

    Plant Sale


    We also organize activities so that families can be a part of the school community. Trunk or Treat, Pizza Bingo, and the Holiday Festival are just a few of the events hosted by the PTO where the family can have fun while supporting Cliffwood Elementary. Check the weekly Cliffwood Family Connection Letter, our PTO bulletin board, or our Facebook Parent Page for information on event dates, times, and volunteer opportunities. 

    Who Is our PTO?

    It’s you. It’s us. We are neighbors and community members who have children at this school and want to give them the best we’ve got.  Please join the PTO- we would love to have you.  #CLIFFWOODPROUD!

    Jennifer Elmendorf, Cliffwood PTO President for the 2024-2025 School Year 

Welcome to PTO
Last Modified on August 29, 2024