English as a Second Language (ESL)
Page Navigation
- Overview
- Identification of English Language Learners (ELL)
- Student Placement Process
- ELL Program Types and Services
- ELL Access to Supportive Services
- ESL Family Night Information 2021-2022
- Program Testing and Exit Requirements
- NJSLA/NJGPA and ESL Accomodations
- MARSD ELL Program Forms
- WIDA "Can Do" Descriptors
- ELL Program Parent/Teacher/Community Resources
- MARSD English Language Learner Three Year Plan (2021-2024)
- ESL Family Night - College Application Process
- ESL Family Night Presentation - Grades K-5
The philosophy of the Matawan Aberdeen Regional School District ESL Program is to ensure that all English Language Learners (ELLs) have access to high quality instruction, to meet the unique linguistic needs of ELLs, and to provide ELLs with equal access to the general education curriculum. At MARSD, we understand that linguistically and culturally diverse learners bring assets to our school community and enrich the experiences of all learners and educators.
In addition to the language proficiency needed for interpersonal, intercultural and instructional purposes, English language learners need to develop academic language or CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency) in order to succeed in college, career, and society. This focus on academic language is supported by research on effective language instruction and aligned to the WIDA (World Class Instructional Design and Assessment) Can Do Philosophy and standards for learning.
District Mission Statement: We are committed to or exceeding the NJ Student Learning Standards at all grade levels in all areas, and providing a safe and supportive environment where all students are inspired, empowered, and encouraged to maximize their unique potential.
District Vision Statement: Students will become lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and creative problem solvers who achieve success as valuable and contributing members of society
ESL Department Mission Statement
English Language Learners will develop English language proficiency in the four domains of language: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. ELLs will continue to make gains in academic proficiency while meeting state standards. Our district will continue to recognize the unique language and cultural assets that serve as valuable resources to learning.
English Language Learner (ELL) Access to Supportive Services:
Students enrolled in Bilingual, ESL, and English language services programs shall have full access to (as feasible) supportive services such as counseling, tutoring, and career guidance. These services are provided by bilingual personnel who are familiar with and knowledgeable of the unique needs and background of the ELLs and their parents.
Program Goals
To develop, support, and advocate for high-quality ESL programs, to include both rigorous NJ Student Learning Standards and WIDA Language Develop Standards,
Academic Goal:
Strive towards academic performance at or above grade level in both languages
Linguistic Goal:
Develop high levels of proficiency in a second language across the four domains of language: reading, writing, listening, and speaking
Socio-Cultural Goal:
Highlight and value the diversity of our school community and surrounding neighborhoods while building strong cultural connections and respect as we work to develop responsible contributing citizens.
Key Terminology
English as a Second Language (ESL) program means a daily developmental second language program of up to two periods of instruction based on student language proficiency which targets the four domains of language: listening, speaking, reading and writing in English using second language teaching techniques, and incorporates the cultural aspects of the students' experiences in their ESL instruction.
Eligible Student means any student who meets the following criteria:
- The primary language of the student must be other than English; and
- The student’s English proficiency skills must be sufficiently lacking where it may affect learning. This is determined by a state approved language proficiency assessment, WIDA MODEL.
Primary Language or Native Language is the language most often used by students for communication in the student’s place of residence
Limited English Proficient (LEP) means students from pre-kindergarten through grade 12 whose native language is other than English and who have sufficient difficulty speaking, reading, writing or understanding the English language as measured by an English language proficiency test,.
Sheltered English Instruction (SEI) is an instructional approach used to make academic instruction in English understandable to LEP students. Sheltered English classes are taught by regular classroom teachers who have received training on strategies to make subject area content comprehensible for LEP students.
Home Language Survey (HLS) is a document containing a series of questions parents answer regarding their child’s native language and second language. This survey is completed upon registration within the district and used to inform ESL teachers if the child is eligible to be tested for ESL services.
Immigrant: Federal eligibility requirements define immigrant students as those who are age 3 to 21, were not born in any US state or US territory, and
have not been attending one or more schools in any one or more states for more than three full academic years.
Language Support Plan (LSP) is a document created by MARSD that outlines the grading plan for a current ESL student, provides background information about the student’s language and length of time in ESL, and details the appropriate modifications and accommodations for the ESL student.
English Language Proficiency (ELP) refers to the level at which a student is fluent in English ranging from Level 1 Entering to Level 5 Bridging.
World-class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) is the organization responsible for creating a framework of standards, descriptors, and ELP levels to assist educators meet the needs of ELLs. WIDA promotes the Can Do Philosophy: recognizing and building upon the assets, contributions, and potential of culturally and linguistically diverse children and youth.