5. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION REQUIREMENT All students are required to submit a physical examination that has been completed within the past 365 days. It MUST be provided before the first day of school. The NJ Universal Health Form can be accessed byclicking here.
6. APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION OF DOMICILE STUDENT (IF APPLICABLE) If you reside with someone else and you do not personally own or rent the residence, you must complete the Application for Admission of Domicile Student, please click here to download the document. This application should be completed by both parties (resident and parent), and should be notarized. Both parties should provide proofs of residence as noted on application (4 proofs from resident and 2 proofs from parent.)
An Authorization to Release Records Form must be provided with all documentation uploaded during the registration process for 1st to 12th grade students only.
View the entire Registration Packet with forms included here.
Click here for the Registration Checklist (English/Spanish)
*The Genesis Parent Portal for Preschool Pre-registration opens on January 13th. You must change the school year to 2025-2026 when you begin your registration in Genesis.